The Most Gorgeous, Mossman Gorge
I really love Port Douglas, its got a great little strip of shops and restaurants, boutiques and pubs, breweries and bars with ocean views, you really cant complain. We were looking at properties here, you can buy a little holiday unit for about 100k still, probably have huge body corporate but its so cheap considering the rest of the worlds property prices. We were lucky enough to be in Port Douglas on the Saturday night and so woke up to Sunday morning markets! These markets are fabulous and I definitely recommend checking them out!
We drove to Mossman Gorge from Port Douglas, its only about 20 minutes away and easy to find. You park in the car park and walk through to a large cultural centre with a cafe, they sell the most beautiful First Nations designed clothing and items – you really do find beautiful things in this store. Lawson got two beautiful indigenous design t-shirts that I was so jealous of and will probably steal shortly – watch this space 😉

From the Mossman Gorge Centre you can buy a ticket to get the bus up to the gorge, it was about $12.65 from memory for an adult – there is kids prices and family prices. I would definitely 100% advise to get the bus to the gorge, its like 3.5km and the sun is sweltering and it is not a covered road, so its so worth the bus ride. The gorge is beautiful, there is a number of walks that you can do, the longest is 2.4km so they’re only short – check out this page for more details on them

We didn’t do the walk this time, we had both been before and we were hot and slightly hungover and all we wanted to do was jump in the water. We wore our swims and took towels and when we got there there were signs up saying the conditions were extreme and no swimming allowed so we we’re like nooooo and almost took our towels back to the car, but lucky we didn’t cause when we got to the gorge there was so many people in the water. I would not advise swimming obviously when the signs say that it is dangerous.

The water was so beautiful and refreshing, there was heaps of people swimming, bush turkey’s stealing peoples stuff and the water was rushing through nicely. We spent a couple of hours here just sun baking on the rocks and enjoying the water. It was a beautiful spot to stop for a swim and relax and easy to get to – if I lived close by I would go here often to swim cause its just lovely. Great for a half day trip and it really is GORGEous 😉